Well it has been a while since I did the update but a lot has changed but how much does it stay the same.
Amy with the best player and even with only one player left she is a solid contender. Of course I have the most players left going into a possible Merge. All say it with me WHITE POWER. Can we shave our heads if a White player wins? Keith does have Yul but the last few weeks have been the A-bomb was dropped on survior(sorry that was wrong). Goody luck starting to rear it's ugly head. Nate wants to be the leader out there but every time he mentions he wants some one out (jonathon) something new happens and they vote out a "family" member. Poor guy.
Some Occurances:
Double vote out- (hence the it takes two reference)- Nice job by Survivor make them vote right then and there. Jenny the vicitim and the White Race rules again.
MUTINY- I can honestly say I am rooting for my money, no doubt, but I do have a heart and I am secretly rooting for no merge and the 4 team tribe to keep kicking Jonathan and Candice's ass and send poor little Candice to excile island. You know you are struggling when you start to look at Sea Cucumbers as a great food source. That looked awful.
LOVE- Candice and Adam are going to make me puke. I mean dude get a little self respect. Kissing her hands was like Keith shaking that bum at the Yankee games hands. He needed Purell worse then Candice needs a razor. The bum at the Yankee game was the only black guy I know that the inside of his hands were darker then the outside. How anyone can fall in love or can think of sex/making out etc on that island I have no Idea.
TEAMS- Sundra we get it you love your tribe your working hard, enough with the tears every 5 minutes when you win.
Fun- Yul looked like a piece of fish trying to get away from 2 killer whales during his dance. The one fell on him and I thought the tribe was going to have a new member. Holy S Ozzie's face was priceless when they were dancing with yul.
Well we will see what comes next but I am guessing with both tribes at 4, they will merge and Ozzie and Yul will be in the finals. Ozzie now knows Yul has the immunity and no other people will win enough challenges to beat them out. Jonathon will win challenge by sheer luck and Yul will save Ozzie. Ozzie will win out get to finals and win it all.
Keith will of course make it to the finals and Goody will be cursuing under his breath as Sundra cries so much on the last challenge, she gets the log wet she has to stand on and slips off. The Medics come in and we have our first death in survivor history. Goody luck out in full force.
Now we can all get back to watching The Office, I just gave us the entire season. Amy my check is in the mail.
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